Kisah 32 Murid Utama Buddha Gotama: 11. YA Mogharāja Thera

11. YA Mogharāja Thera

Lahir sebagai putra dari penasehat Raja Maha Kosala, Mogharāja adalah pemuda yang sangat cerdas ketika muda, Mogharāja menjadi bhikkhu bersama-sama dengan enam belas temannya, YA Mogharāja memiliki kebiasaan mengenakan jubah yang kwalitasnya rendah dalam hal jahitan dan kainnya.

Pada suatu kesempatan, Sang Buddha menganugerahi kepada YA Mogharāja sebagai bhikkhu mengenakan jubah kasar yang terbaik.

11. The Venerable Mogharāja Thera

Born as the son of an adviser to King Maha Kosala, young Mogharāja was a very smart boy. He studied under Bāvarī as an ascetic. He became a monk together with fifteen of his friends as they were sent by Bāvarī to the Buddha. When Mogharāja had asked his question of the Buddha and received the answer, he attained arahantship.

He then attained the distinction by wearing rough cloth which had been thrown away by caravaners, tailors and dyers.

The venerable Mogharāja is given as an example of one who attained arahantship by the development of investigation.

On one occasion the Buddha conferred on him the title of the monk who excelled in wearing rough robes.

Ditulis oleh Rama Tjan Sie Tek, M.Sc., Penerjemah Tersumpah, Sāsanadhaja Dharma Adhgapaka, Rohaniwan Buddha Kementerian Agama Republik Indonesia

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