How long is an eon?

Samyutta Nikaya 15:5

A certain monk asked the Buddha,” Venerable sir, how long is an eon?”

The Buddha answered the question as follows:” An eon is long, is not easy to count it and say it is so many years, or so many hundreds of years, or so many thousands of years, or so many hundreds of thousands of years.”
“Then, is it possible to give a simile, venerable sir?”
“It is possible, monk.,” the Blessed One said. “Suppose, monk, there was a great stone mountain, a yojana (or mile) long, a yojana wide, and a yojana high, without holes or crevices, one solid mass of rock. At the end of every hundred years, a man would stroke it once with a a piece of fine cloth. That great stone mountain might by this effort be worn away and eliminated, nut the eon would still not have come to an end. so long is an eon, monk. and of eons of such length, we have wondered through so many hundreds of eons, so many thousands of eons, so many hundreds of thousands of eons. For what reason? Because, monk, this samsara (or birth and death cycle) is without discoverable beginning …. It is enough to be liberated from them.”8

You can watch the video below about how old the universe is and how long else it can last:

How large is the universe?


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