Site icon Buddha-Gotama

Historicity: Lumbini, Lord Buddha’s Birthplace

Lumbini Gardens, a UNESCO heritage site

One of UNESCO’s world heritage sites, Lumbini Garden is one of the Four Holiest Places for Buddhists. The other three are (i) Bodh Gaya, where Prince Siddhartha Gautama, also known as Prince Siddhattha Gotama in the Pali, reached the Great Enlightenment, thereby, becoming the Supreme Buddha; (ii) The Deer Park at Isipatana, where the Buddha gave his first sermon; and (iii) Kushinagar where he passed away, or reached the Supreme Nibbana.

For more historical evidence of Lumbini as Lord Buddha’s birthplace, please clikc on the following link to UNESCO’s website:

Videos: 1. Lumbini – The Birth Place of Gautam Buddha:; 2. Tavelling Nepal // EXPLORING LUMBINI:


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